
Variables of Communication by Campbell

  • Frequency – people remember things when they hear them often
  • Primacy – people remember messages they hear first
  • Recency – people remember data they heard most recently so keep them updated
  • Emotion – messages which impact emotions have the greatest impact
  • Communication by Dr Steven Peters

    Best conversations happen when:-

  • The right Person
  • The right Time
  • The right Place
  • The right Way (channel)
  • The right Agenda
  • Assertiveness in speaking to right person; Aim to reach a sensible outcome; Contain emotion, listen to the other person first. Recognise that an opinion is just that an opinion; Speak slowly and calmly; Find common ground; Look to others to understand what is correct / factual / acceptable; Choose words carefully; Understand the other person first. Allow them expression; Use facts not feelings or impressions; Let other get their points across first and don’t react; Choose the right time to talk – i.e. when conversation not rushed and sufficient time is available; Be prepared to change stance and compromise; Focus on the solution not the problem (or how I feel); Keep quiet until things settle can be very helpful; Choose the place to talk; Ensure I answer the questions put before me before moving on – otherwise they won’t!; Ensure Agenda is understood up front; Address what is on mind.

    Useful Links about Communication

    Power of Words by Andrea Gardner

    Click here to watch video

    Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are

    Click here to watch video

    Wilo’s Law

  • Communication usually fails, except by accident
  • If communication can fail, it will
  • If communication cannot fail, it still usually fails
  • If communication seems to succeed in the way you intend – someone misunderstood
  • If you are content with your message, communication is certainly failing
  • If a message can be interpreted in several ways, it will be interpreted in a way that maximises damage
  • The more we communicate, the more communication fails
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